Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Events transpire, gaining much
And leaving little to acquire
Net effect remains constant
As we come and go, causing much
To entwine, to forego, to become
To seek endless change and conspire
Dealing sameness to the world
And in the end, behold the entire
The significance is in the mire

A baby's breath is added to behold
And questions of significance re-told
That what we toil and sacrifice
And the critical mass, our demise
A loss, too much to comprehend
And seeking a different sort of revenge
Weakening, just like the rest
Ever pushing on, just like a test
Which never ends, tiring nonetheless
The significance is in the mess


Incoherent blur
Bubbling boiling static
Throbbing gush
Whirling, spinning
Noise deafened,
Dark retreat
Gnashing thawed
Ringing overtone
Breathless sight
Mindless plight
Shattered air
Battered delivery
Timeless reprieve

Monday, December 04, 2006

What About

It's that time again
Looking back,
This past is me
These deeds created
Attained my very soul
And now everything
Is moving on, into
The next moment, always
More important
But frozen I seem
Like a temporal
It's all moved beyond now
Created, but left for
The beyond
Time has moved on
But what about

Friday, September 08, 2006

Filthy Humans

These things run thru
My mind, going nowhere
What was it in you,
That destroyed it, smashed
Killed the intentions
Making everything
And everyone
You filthy humans
You sycophantic
Note the fallen shame
Attack the silent, blame
Burning good will
With torches lit high
Taking the unholy
Crusade to every door
Striking disgust
In the hearts and minds
Killing the trust
And taking your time

What was it in you
That took the lies
And formed another truth
And made mud pie
Out of the Earth
Which nurtured us once
Now lost, now disgust
Replaces all semblence
Of thoughtful sentience
We are what you have become
All ugly, filthy humans
Wallowing in our cumulative
Denominations, our trade
Grating the nose to the grind
And failing, one and all
To suffice
We all suffer now
We all blunder on
We are now all,
One and the same,
Filthy humans

Friday, June 30, 2006

Those Lost

I wandered alone
Amongst the souls
Lost now and still
Each one an echo
Of life and longing
Passion of being
Now disconnected
One a child
Feelings of sorrow
Forelorn beyond
Simple comprehension
A life ended
A family broken
And a soul alone
The tears of the dead
Fall among us
Granting a little
If only to see
A little more

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Promise

I promise to love you
While you are here
I promise to find
The grace between
You and me
To close the distance
And amplify our energy
Mutual reserviors,
Seen, opened, and touched
I promise to love you
While you are here
To reason with fate
And grasp wisdom's domain
With our many hands
We pry at the gates
Of perfection
While you are here

Thursday, June 15, 2006

This Flesh

I am this flesh
This hair; these limbs
This skin; what wrapped within
These nerves; these thoughts
I am this flesh
Built upon each trying test
Made by more to diminish less
From my beginning
To my dying breath
I am this flesh

Friday, March 17, 2006

How Many Sons

How many sons to die for kingdoms yet unproclaimed
And how many to die for that what yet remains
How great a sacrifice do the ringing bells require
How to feed and swell an army to do the king's desire

And nations now long passed away, and soldiers given to decay
Do the years between now sound the simplest form of this way
That those who fought for now lost or stolen rights should say
Did so much loss give us that for which a legacy could stay

And intervening years have not wizened us to history's call
And so still the cause becomes the reason to marching footsteps' fall
And still the kings and deacons do not as well as live for all
And so our sons still to the fray upon which we lean we call