Friday, December 14, 2007


Out of sync
With everything
You do
Two islands
Less significant
Less the same
Longing to know
To share the world
To inspire
And conspire
But blocked
Great distance
This vast
Between the us
In our worlds

Who creates
The you
The sublime
Structure in your
Your influence
Decision structure
Matrix of
Youth becomes
Adult world
And where
Is the growth
Where are you
To whom do you

My infuence
Is minor
Much restrained
My experiences
Taking the lead
Options removed
Watching closely
Unrelenting changes
The impact
Of it all
Growing stronger
And yet
Not mine
And again
To whom
Do you

Thursday, December 06, 2007


It's raining out again
No score like the present
Verses in our hearts
Music from mind to reality
We tend to get what we expect
And so I know it's coming
But I cannot create
What I cannot dream
And so I know
There is little
I can really do
The sadness always does
What I thought it would
We tend
To get
What we


You say everything
Will be all right
But I'm unchanged
Because you've managed
To miss the point

Blowing out the candles
Grains of sand in the wind
Endings and forevers
And all the emptiness
That should never be

Agonizingly farther
Each step another version
Lives and minds apart
And somewhere within
Missing the point