Wednesday, September 17, 2014

After Life

Where do I end, and you begin?
Or, for that matter, when?
What is a mind, and where is it's space and time?
Are we just the mechanical result of particulate interaction?
Can what defines consciousness be copied, so that there would be two of you?
Is that still you?
If I turn the original mind off, do "you" still exist in the copy?
Can I digitally simulate what makes up your mind?
If I can, can I pause the simulation?
Does that kill you, or are you still alive when the simulation resumes?
Is the simulation "you"?
If I pause "you", then resume "you" later, is it still you?
What if the pause is thousands of years?
If your mind stops, then a digital simulation of your mind immediately starts, is that "you"?
If we replace your brain with a prosthetic one, is that you?
How about if we do it one brain cell at a time?
At what point does it cease being "you", and become not "you"?
If I eventually end up with a prosthetic, mechanical brain that "you" reside in, can I then pause the functioning without killing "you"?
What is the difference then, between a prosthetic and a digital simulation?
If I record a digital simulation's functioning, can it be rewound, altered, copied, and evaluated?
What then, is the difference between a "you" that functions now, and a time-delayed "you" that functions at an indeterminate point in the future?
Does it matter what form it takes?
What are the odds of computational ability becoming so advanced in the future that we can simulate entire minds?
How long will it take?
Does it matter?
Given infinite universes, or even the infinite potential of the mind, does it make sense that someone, somewhere might figure out how to view other universes?
Or times?
Might people in the future be able to view the past?
Might it be trivial for them to capture the composition of a dying person's mind?
Would an untrained, delicate mind need some training and acclimation to a new time frame in a simulated world before being introduced to the new one?
Would that necessitate connecting many simulated minds into an integrated simulation?
Would then, the simulated minds simply be conceptual within the conceptual frame of existence?
Could there be conceptual frames of existence which exist for the purpose of training minds away from dysfunctional behaviors?
Might they be populated with many other dysfunctional minds, each there to learn?
What are the odds that you're in one now?
Where do I end, and you begin?

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